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Report a Concern

Report a Concern

This system makes it easy to report a concern about workplace issues like financial and auditing concerns, harassment, theft, substance abuse and unsafe conditions.

Click the button below to get started with your report and we'll ask you a few questions about the incident.

Check Status

Check Status

You can check the status of your report or question using the access number and password you created when you submitted the report or question.

Call Us

If you would prefer to speak to someone confidentially, call us and one of our representatives would be happy to assist you.

phone icon (800) 497-4621

If you are dialing internationally choose your location from the list below for the international number assigned to your country. If your country is not listed click here for additional instructions.

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Please note this is not an emergency service. Contact your local authorities if this is a life threatening issue.

How the Sylvamo HelpLine Works

Sylvamo provides a confidential HelpLine for employees, contractors, business partners and the general public, where they can raise concerns about potential violations of company policies or legal compliance. Reports are routed to the Global Ethics and Compliance office for investigation and resolution. If we do not find proof of a violation, then the investigator will close the matter. If we uncover a violation or weakness in a company process, policy or procedure, we will address it. Sylvamo prohibits retaliation against anyone who makes a report in good faith, even if no violation has actually occurred.

Ethics and Compliance at Sylvamo

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Jean-Michel Ribiéras, Chairman and CEO

At Sylvamo, our overarching value is we always do the right things, in the right ways, for the right reasons. Our values declare what is most important to us and play an important role in the pursuit of our vision to be the world’s paper company: the employer, supplier and investment of choice. 

Ethics is one of our core values. We hold ourselves and each other in accordance with our values. We foster a culture of trust, openness and accountability. Ethics guide our actions and decisions and is a constant reminder of what we believe and how we operate. Ethics help foster a safe and engaging workplace that positively influences our relationships with each other, our customers, suppliers, investors, the communities where we live and those who rely on our paper. 

We all share responsibility for operating ethically. Our individual actions, positive or negative, determine our company culture and reputation. That’s why it is important to understand the right things to do, recognize the situations that could cause concern and Speak Up! as soon as we suspect wrongdoing. We should always feel free to voice our concerns without fear of retaliation. 

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